Tonight's JH Scholastic Bowl Meet has been cancelled.

High School Volleyball changes
Tonight (4/7) vs Sherrard at home 6:00
Tomorrow (4/8) vs United at home 6:00

The junior high track team is looking forward to hosting their first meet of the season on April 22nd.
We will need help running this meet. This will be a three team, triangle, meet with Bradford and Visitation invited.
The meet begins at 4:00 and we will need approximately 15 volunteers to help make this meet run smoothly.
If you are able to assist on this day please reach out to a coach as soon as you know.
Thank you in advance for your support,
Coaches Reakes, Chapman, and Baele
sreakes@annawan226.org : achapman@annwan226.org : dbaele@annawan226.org

Link to order Homecoming Shirts--Orders Due by midnight THIS THURSDAY, April 8

Tonight (4/5) Live Feeds:
JHGBB vs ROWVA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb-jWTBDTwMQ1Kv9ozE33nA/live
FSFB vs Ridgewood: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/NTsWXLFY7st

Annawan Homecoming Plans
Annawan High School Student Council and administrators have worked together to design Homecoming Week festivities that fit within IDPH guidelines for schools.
First we would like to congratulate the 2020-21 Homecoming Court. Queen candidates: Courtney Baele, Ella Manuel, Cali McKibbon, Emily Miller. King candidates: Reece Gripp, Rhett Hulick, Kashev Jaswal, Zach Kulisek. Crown bearers: Harper Hasbrook and Madon Huber.
Dress up days will be held for High School students during Homecoming Week.
There will be a pep rally Friday, April 23 where the king and queen will be crowned. If the weather is fit, this pep rally will be held on the football field at 1:00 p.m. and the public will be invited to attend with masks and social distancing. If the weather is inclement, 50 ticket holders related to participants will be allowed to attend the pep rally in the gym and the event will be live streamed on YouTube.
Friday night at 7:00 the Titans will play Princeville in Annawan. Only ticket holders related to participants can be allowed to attend. The Homecoming Court will be honored at halftime. There will be no parade or school-sponsored dance this year.

Update to High School Testing—State testing for 9th and 10th graders has been cancelled they will be in attendance until 1:50 on April 13th for a regular school day. All 11th grade students will be taking the state-required SAT tests on Tuesday, April 13th and will be dismissed after testing. Seniors are not required to attend in-person on this day, however; grade 11 students who are remote learners should make plans to attend in-person for testing. The SAT test is required for all students to receive a high school diploma in Illinois.

High School Volleyball: Monday, April 5 at United has been postponed.

JHGBB Tuesday (3/30) vs Cambridge
The Junior High Girls Basketball game with Cambridge will be 8th grade only. 8th grade will play at 5:30. Our 6/7th will scrimmage each other after the 8th grade game.

March 29
High school volleyball vs Wethersfield live stream : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb-jWTBDTwMQ1Kv9ozE33nA/live
FS football vs United live stream: https://www.geese230.com/Page/173

High School Volleyball tonight (3/24) will be played at Cambridge High School.
Live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsMjEH3ZZN-XQ_WMPhW3mLA

High School Volleyball Game Changes:
3/25 with ROWVA has been postponed until 4/19
3/31 at Princeville will now start at 4:30
4/10 will now be played at Bureau Valley and start at 10:00

Junior High Girls Basketball @AlWood Monday (3/22) will be a 5:00 start. Bus time will be 3:45.

High School Volleyball - Senior Night tonight (3/17) vs Williamsfield. Seniors will be announced before the varsity game. Parents please be here by 6:30.

SCHOLASTIC BOWL - JH - Postponed for 3/16/21
Tonight's JH Scholastic Bowl matchup against Stark County has been postponed until a later TBD date.

JH Volleyball 8th grade IESA regional semifinals on Saturday (3/13) at Monmouth ICS at 10:00. Live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs88JciahzKUnvcP9NRhPPA

The JH Scholastic Bowl Meet against Kewanee Central (starting at 5:30 P.M.) will be LIVESTREAMED tonight.
Please use the link below to access our LiveStream. We plan to have it up and running about 10 minutes before the meet start time.

JH Volleyball - Friday, March 12
We will be hosting an IESA 8th grade regional game on Friday, March 12 at 5:30. Per IESA, NO spectators are allowed in the gym. The game will be live streamed https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb-jWTBDTwMQ1Kv9ozE33nA/live.

The State of Illinois is approved to provide new Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer Program (P-EBT) benefits to all eligible Illinois students. These benefits are automatic for qualifying students. Families do not need to complete a P-EBT application. However, families are encouraged to complete a Household Eligibility Application to determine eligibility for free or reduced meal status if they have not already been certified either automatically or through application for School Year 2020-21. To check your child’s current lunch status, log in to their Chalkable account and look under the demographics tab. If you need to apply for free or reduced lunch, please contact Lana Wolf at lwolf@annawan226.org or (309) 935-6781. Please be aware that the school does not determine benefits, the state is simply using school data to determine eligibility for additional benefits.

We now have the game on YouTube as we normally do. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you and enjoy the game!